
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals

  1. Shaked, H. (2024). How Israeli principals foster social justice among teachers. Leadership and Policy in Schools. pdf
  2. Shaked, H. (2024). Defining the responsibilities of principals in promoting equity: Insights from the Israeli school system. Educational Management, Administration and Leadership. pdf
  3. Shaked, H. (2024). Integrating instructional leadership with social justice leadership: Insights from Israel’s principals. Educational Administration Quarterly, 60(4), 452-492.. pdf
  4. Shaked, H. (2024). How principals' instructional leadership impacts schools' middle leadership. Educational Management, Administration and Leadership. pdf
  5. Shaked, H. (2024). Enabling factors of instructional leadership in subject coordinators. Journal of Educational Administration, 62(2), 239-254. pdf
  6. Grinshtain, Y., Avidov-Ungar, O., Shaked, H., Livneh, I., & Nikritin, D. (2023). ‘Not fully coordinated’: the loosely coupled paradigm as a framework for understanding relationships of educators in teacher education programmes. Journal of Education for Teaching. pdf
  7. Shaked, H. (2023). How social justice leadership complements instructional leadership. Leadership and Policy in Schools. pdf
  8. Grinshtain, Y., Avidov-Ungar. O., Livneh, I., Shaked, H., & Nikritin, D. (2024). From traditional to clinical approach toward continuing professional development: Academia-field partnership in teacher education. European Journal of Education, 59(2), e12628pdf
  9. Shaked, H. (2023). Instructional leadership in school middle leaders. International Journal of Educational Management, 3(6/7), 1288–1302. pdf
  10. Avidov-Ungar. O., Grinshtain, Y., Livneh, I., Shaked, H., & Nikritin, D. (2024). A comparative view of diverse models of field academia partnerships in teacher education programs: Perspectives of agents from the academia and the field. Dapim, 80, 85-97.  (Hebrew).
  11. Shaked, H. (2023). How instructional leaders promote social justice. Educational Management, Administration & Leadership. pdf
  12. Shaked, H., & Benoliel, P. (2024). Instructional boundary management during COVID-19. Educational Management, Administration & Leadership, 52(3), 593-609. pdf
  13. Shaked, H. (2024). Instructional leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic: The case of Israel. Educational Management, Administration & Leadership, 52(3), 576-592. pdf
  14. Shaked, H. (2024). Expanding instructional leadership: How elementary school principals in Israel ensure the right teachers are in the right places. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 23(1), 29-41pdf
  15. Shaked, H. (2023). How clan culture impairs functions of instructional leadership: The case of Israel, 22(3), 585–599. Leadership and Policy in Schoolspdf
  16. Shaked, H. (2024). Relationship-based instructional leadership. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 27(5), 1052-1069pdf
  17. Shaked, H. (2023). Perceptions of Israeli school principals regarding the knowledge needed for instructional leadership. Educational Management, Administration & Leadership, 51(3), 655–672pdf
  18. Shaked, H. (2023). How organizational management supports instructional leadership. Journal of Educational Administration, 61(1), 60–77. pdf
  19. Shaked, H. (2022). How instructional leaders promote parental involvement: The Israeli case. International Journal of Educational Management, 36(7), 1193–1205. pdf
  20. Shaked, H. (2022). Israeli principals' considerations regarding the actions they take to prevent student absenteeism. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 21(4), 891–900. pdf
  21. Ganon-Shilon, S., Shaked, H., & Schechter, C. (2022). Principals' voices pertaining to shared sense-making processes within a generally-outlined pedagogical reform implementation. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 25(6), 941–965. pdf
  22. Shaked, H. (2022). Role identity of instructional leaders. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 21(2), 398–411. pdf
  23. Shaked, H. (2022). The contribution of case-based learning to adopting a multidimensional view in educational leadership students. International Journal of Educational Management, 36(2), 194-205. pdf
  24. Nadav, N.*, Benoliel, P., Shaked, H., & Schechter, C. (2021). Exploring school principals' systems thinking activities. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 20(4), 579–598. pdf
  25. Shaked, H. (2021). Instructional leadership in higher education: The case of Israel. Higher Education Quarterly, 75(2), 212–226. pdf
  26. Shaked, H. (2021). Between center and periphery: Instructional leadership in Israeli rural schools. International Journal of Educational Management, 35(7), 1361–1374. pdf
  27. Shaked, H., Benoliel, P., & Hallinger, P. (2021). How national context indirectly influences instructional leadership implementation: The case of Israel. Educational Administration Quarterly, 57(3), 437–469. pdf
  28. Shaked, H. (2020). A paradoxical approach to instructional leadership. International Journal of Educational Management, 34(10), 1637–1646. pdf
  29. Shaked, H., & Schechter, C. (2020). Systems thinking for excellence and equity (Introduction to a special issue). Journal of Educational Administration, 59(1), 1–4. pdf
  30. Benoliel, P., Shaked, H., Nadav, N.*, & Schechter, C. (2020). Principals' systems thinking attribute: Exploring a principal-middle-leader relational demography perspective. Journal of Educational Administration, 59(1), 22–42. pdf
  31. Shaked, H., & Schechter, C. (2020). Systems thinking leadership: New explorations for school improvement. Management in Education, 34(3), 107–114. pdf
  32. Shaked, H. (2020). Social justice leadership, instructional leadership, and the goals of schooling. International Journal of Educational Management, 34(1), 81–95. pdf
  33. Shaked, H., & Benoliel, P. (2020). Instructional boundary management: The complementarity of instructional leadership and boundary management. Educational Management, Administration & Leadership, 48(5), 821–839. pdf
  34. Shaked, H.(2020). Boundaries of Israeli assistant principals' instructional leadership. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 19(3), 497–511. pdf
  35. Shaked, H. (2019). Ensuring teachers' job suitability: A missing component of instructional leadership. Journal of School Leadership, 29(5), 427-447. pdf
  36. Shaked, H. (2019). Perceptual inhibitors of instructional leadership in Israeli principals. School Leadership & Management, 39(5), 519-536. pdf
  37. Shaked, H. (2019). School leaders' contribution to social justice. International Journal of Educational Reform28(3), 303-316. pdf
  38. Shaked, H., Gross, Z. & Glanz, J. (2019). Between Venus and Mars: Sources of gender differences in instructional leadership. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 47(2), 291-309. pdf
  39. Benoliel, P., Shaked, H., Nadav, N., & Schechter, C. (2019). School principals' systems thinking: Antecedents and consequences. Journal of Educational Administration, 57(2), 167-184. pdf
  40. Shaked, H. (2018). Why principals often give overly high ratings on teacher evaluations. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 59, 150-157. pdf
  41. Shaked, H. (2018). Why principals sidestep instructional leadership: The disregarded question of schools' primary objective. Journal of School Leadership, 28(4), 517-538. pdf
  42. Shaked, H., Gross, Z. & Glanz, J. (2018). Gender differences in instructional leadership: How male and female principals perform their instructional leadership roles in Israel. School Leadership & Management, 38(4), 417-434. pdf
  43. Shaked, H., & Schechter, C. (2019). School middle leaders' sense-making of a generally-outlined education reform. Leadership and Policy in Schools18(3), 412-432. pdf
  44. Shaked, H., & Schechter, C. (2019). Exploring systems thinking in school principals' decision-making. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 22(5), 573-596. pdf
  45. Shaked, H., & Schechter, C. (2019). Systems thinking for principals of learning-focused schools. Journal of School Administration Research and Development, 4(1), 18-23. pdf
  46. Shaked, H., & Schechter, C. (2018). Systems thinking among enrollees in a principal preparation program. Journal of Research on Leadership Education, 13(3), 259-282. pdf
  47. Shaked, H., Schechter, C. & Michalsky, T. (2018). Collaborative learning from personal cases in a principal preparation programme. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 21(4), 479-490pdf
  48. Shaked, H., & Schechter, C. (2018). Holistic school leadership: Development of systems thinking in school leaders. Teachers College Record, 20(2), 1-40. pdf
  49. Schechter, C., Shaked, H., Ganon, S., & Goldratt, M. (2018). Leadership metaphors: Principals' sense-making of an educational reform. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 17(1), 1-26pdf
  50. Glanz, J., Shaked, H., Rabinowitz, C., Shenhav, S. & Zaretsky, R. (2017). Instructional leadership practices among principals in Israeli and USA Jewish schools. International Journal of Educational Reform, 26(2), 132-153. pdf
  51. Shaked, H., & Schechter, C. (2017). Integrating learning from problems and learning from success in a principal preparation program. Planning and Changing, 48(1/2), 86-105. pdf
  52. Shaked, H., & Schechter, C. (2017). Systems thinking among school middle leaders. Educational Management, Administration & Leadership, 45(4), 699-718. pdf
  53. Schechter, C., & Shaked, H. (2017). Leaving fingerprints: Principals' considerations while implementing education reforms. Journal of Educational Administration, 55(3), 242-260. pdf
  54. Shaked, H., & Schechter, C. (2017). School principals as mediating agents in education reforms. School Leadership & Management, 37(1-2), 19-37. pdf
  55. Shaked, H., & Schechter, C. (2016). Holistic school leadership: Systems thinking as an instructional leadership enabler. NASSP Bulletin, 100(4), 177-202. pdf
  56. Shaked, H., & Schechter, C. (2016). Sources of systems thinking in school leadership. Journal of School Leadership, 26(3), 468-494. pdf
  57. Shaked, H. (2016). Parental participation fees in school expenses in Israel. International Journal of Educational Management, 30(1), 63-75. pdf
  58. Shaked, H. (2014). Israel's principal preparation policy. World Journal of Education, 4(6), 78-89. pdf
  59. Shaked, H. (2014). Education Cities. International Journal of Educational Reform, 23(2), 154-167. pdf
  60. Shaked, H. (2014). Rehabilitative learning: The educational policy of a school designed for youth hospitalized for mental disorders. International Journal of Special Education, 29(1), 87-97. pdf
  61. Shaked, H. (2014). Israel's official policy with regard to teaching evolution in public schools. International Journal of Jewish Education Research, 7, 29-47. pdf
  62. Shaked, H., & Schechter, C. (2014). Systems school leadership: Exploring an emerging construct. Journal of Educational Administration, 52(6), 792-811. pdf
  63. Shaked, H., & Schechter, C. (2013). Seeing wholes: The concept of systems thinking and its implementation in school leadership. International Review of Education, 59(6), 771-791. pdf

Book Chapters

  1. Shaked, H. (2024). Advancing wellbeing in higher education through instructional leadership. In: W. Walker & B. Kutsyuruba (Eds.), The Emerald handbook of wellbeing in higher education: Global perspectives on students, faculty, leaders, and institutions (pp. 225–238). Emerald. pdf
  2. Shaked, H. (2023).  Who wants to be a principal: Recruiting instructional leaders. In M. Reichel & C. Rabinowitz (Eds.),  Best practices in principal recruitment and retention (pp. 85–96).Rowman & Littlefield.
  3. Shaked, H. (2021). Instructional leadership in times of crises and the goal of schooling. In J. Glanz (Ed.), Crisis and pandemic leadership: Implications for meeting the needs of students, teachers, and parents (pp. 71–82). Rowman & Littlefield.
  4. Shaked, H., Benoliel, P., Nadav, N.*, & Schechter, C. (2018). Principals' systems thinking: The meaning and measure of a leadership construct. In H. Shaked, C. Schechter, & A. J. Daly (Eds.), Leading holistically: How schools, districts, and states improve systemically (pp. 54–73). Routledge.
  5. Shaked, H., Schechter, C., & Daly, A. J. (2018). The systems language. In H. Shaked, C. Schechter, & A. J. Daly (Eds.), Leading holistically: How schools, districts, and states improve systemically (pp. xviii–xxiii). Routledge.
  6. Schechter, C., & Shaked, H. (2019). Systems thinking in school organizations. In M. Connolly, D. Eddy Spicer, C. James, & S. Kruse (Eds.), The Sage handbook of school organization (pp. 249–266). Sage.
  7. Frank, M., Shaked, H., & Kordova, S. (2016). Systems thinking: Definitions, perspectives and dimensions. In M. Frank, H. Shaked, & S. Kordova (Eds.), Systems thinking: Foundation, uses and challenges (pp. xiii–xix). Nova Science Publishers.
  8. Shaked, H., & Schechter, C. (2016). Systems thinking in a special school: A case study. In M. Frank, H. Shaked, & S. Kordova (Eds.), Systems thinking: Foundation, uses and challenges (pp. 261–272). Nova Science Publishers.